Be patient and trust your journey

Neli Mesyova
4 min readJun 27, 2019


Picture was taken in April 2019, Wassenaarseslag, The Netherlands

This article is a celebration of my second year writing anniversary. But what I am trying to convey with it is the importance of moving in the direction of our dreams by defining specific goals and being patient and persistent in their realization.

My writing journey began in June 2017. Since then, I can proudly say that I have published an article on every last Thursday of each month. This is a commitment I have made to myself and it has always been very important to me to stick to it — no matter how busy, tired, sick or pregnant I was.

During the last 12 months I have shared my thoughts on topics ranging from:

the impact of social media on our social life;

the importance of attracting the right customers that fit your company strategy;

tips and tricks for nice girls who don’t get promoted;

my optimistic view on robotization;

happiness as a mindset and inner fulfillment;

my impressions and struggles with pregnancy and motherhood.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading or could relate with at least one of these topics.

Furthermore, another milestone on my journey was the launch of my own website. Big thanks to my friends and colleagues who have offered their help and precious time.

I still don’t have a huge list of followers and my website is not super popular. But that was not my goal to begin with. As I explain in my last year’s anniversary article reaching the final destination is not my goal.

The journey itself is.

What makes writing special to me?

I write to reflect. This way I let go of what is on my mind. The topic of each article reflects what had captured my attention during that particular month.

I also write to remember. My memory is not my strongest quality and I easily forget what I have done the previous day. However, looking back at the 25 articles I have published until now it brings me back to what has been on my mind and how I felt about a certain topic. Moreover, one day I will have a legacy of memories to share with our little daughter.

What keeps me going is the feeling of relief that I will not leave this world with my words unspoken…

Why do I share my writing with you?

The reason I share my writing with you is because I hope that by sharing my dream and my struggles on the way, it might trigger you to also make the first step and start your own journey. Or you will hopefully feel inspired to keep going when it gets tough.

I once forgot that life is too short to make excuses and postpone working on what matters the most. So, I promised myself that by publishing these articles on a monthly basis I will keep reminding myself about what is important to me. And I am here to remind you, too, before it gets too late.

Why not start living our dreams now and stick to them every single day?

Why wait?

I hope I will continue writing throughout my whole life as I already see the added value — taking the time to think deeply about a certain topic and finding a way to organize my thoughts and ideas helps me figure out how I feel about that topic and capture that moment in words.

I am certainly up to another year of writing and I am curious what new challenges and lessons will cross my path in the upcoming 12 months -most probably a lot of baby stuff and motherhood but who knows? ;-)

How about you?

What’s in it for you?

Each month I do the impossible to stick to my publishing deadline. At various moments I have considered skipping a month as nobody will notice anyways. However, I believe that once you go that road, it will only get harder to get back on track.

My goal with this article is to trigger you to reflect on your own journey.

  • What are your hobbies or life goals/targets? Why does it matter to you?
  • Have you managed to define and attach SMART (specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, time-related) goals to these hobbies or dreams?
  • How do you cope with challenges when you are about to give up?

No matter how hard it gets and how many times you consider quitting, just be patient and trust your journey…

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Neli Mesyova
Neli Mesyova

Written by Neli Mesyova

Next to my full time job as a Project manager in an IT company, I love reading and writing about self-improvement and life lessons. Blog:

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